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Associate of Science in

Business Administration Degree

Program Description

Associate of Science in Business Administration

The purpose of the Associate of Science Degree in Business Administration is to prepare students for entry-level positions in business, industry, and non-profit organizations. The program is designed for students who seek to acquire a complete framework in basic business concepts and skills in order to create solutions for contemporary business problems.

Business Man Thinking Administration

Upon successful completion of the Associate of Science in Business Administration program, students will have acquired the knowledge and skills to:

  • Demonstrate a foundation of business knowledge and technical skills that supports and facilitates lifelong professional.
  • Utilize critical thinking, creative and logical analysis, strategies, and techniques to solve complex, real-world business problems.
  • Implement and apply current technical solutions to business activities, systems, and processes.
  • Apply sound management principles to the functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, and decision making in business operations.

Program Plan for the Associate of Science in Business Administration Degree

ACC 201Principles of Accounting II3
BUS 110Business Fundamentals3
BUS 220Principles of Marketing3
BUS 240Managing Perf./ Dev. Teams3
BUS 254Ethical Decision Making3
BUS 325Legal Environment3
BUS 350Quantitative Methods3
MGT214Principles of Management3
ACC 200 Principles of Accounting I 3
BUS 330 Human Resource Mgt. 3
CMP 101 Introduction to Computers 3
COM 100 Introduction to Communications 3
ENG 160 English Composition I 3
ENG 170 English Composition II 3
MAT 140 College Algebra 3
ACC 220 Financial Accounting 3
ACC 225 Managerial Accounting 3
ACC 300 Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACC 301 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACC 302 Intermediate Accounting III 3
ACC 320 Cost Accounting I 3
ACC 321 Cost Accounting II 3
ACC 400 Auditing I 3
ACC 401 Auditing II 3
ACC 415 Advanced Accounting 3
ACC 480 Forensic Accounting I 3
ACC 481 Forensic Accounting II 3
BUS 205 Business Research & Communication 3
BUS 395 International Business 3
FIN 245 Personal Finance 3

Is an Associate Degree in Business Administration Right for You?

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If you prefer to speak to our Admissions Team directly, give us a call at 213-252-5100.

Business Hours

In person/on site: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PT
Monday and Wednesday, by appointment only

Online: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT
Monday to Friday

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