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Military Education Benefits

Military Friendly University
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Military Friendly Emblem

ALU is a Military Friendly University

Abraham Lincoln University’s faculty and staff offer their sincere appreciation to the veterans and service members who have selflessly and courageously served in the United States military. We take great pride in our military-affiliated students and want prospective students to know about the military college benefits at their disposal at ALU.

As a pioneer of distance learning, we understand the needs of today’s military service members and their families. ALU is committed to you in your pursuit of your educational goals and takes pride in delivering an online experience that meets your high standards.

Call us to learn more about our military education benefits and how you may use your Tuition Assistance or Veterans Education benefits to fund your education.

Note that the Juris Doctor program is not eligible for Veterans Education Benefits and G.I. Bill®.

* Residents of Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Guam, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Northern Mariana Islands, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington, DC, Wisconsin and Wyoming CANNOT enroll with our university due to state authorization requirements.


Diploma/Certificate, Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees
The University offers diploma and certificates as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in Business Administration, Criminal Justice, and Legal Studies. 

Why ALU?

  • Flexible class schedules that adhere to demanding lifestyles.
  • No residency requirement is necessary.
  • Credit for military training and experience accepted, appropriate to the degree.
  • Credit for nationally recognized testing programs.
  • Affordable tuition and fee waivers (see below).

Benefits & Fee Waivers

Fees that are waived for military students include:

  • Application
  • Registration (per program)
Transfer Credit for Military Training (University Level) – No Charge for Transcript Evaluation

ALU accepts the maximum allowable transfer credits from military training, plus credits earned at other accredited colleges and universities. This applies to all undergraduate and Master’s programs. Learn more information regarding ALU’s transfer policy on our Transfer Credits page. To learn more about obtaining a transcript evaluation, contact your ALU Admissions Representative at or (213) 252-5100.

ACE Learning Evaluations Accepting Institution
Our institution proudly grants credit for prior learning for experiences appearing in both the ACE Military Guide and ACE National Guide. Learn more about how we apply credits to your degree at

ALU has entered into an articulation agreement the following institutions:

Military Tuition Assistance

Abraham Lincoln University is eligible to accept Military Tuition Assistance (TA) for active duty soldiers, which may pay up to 100% of tuition. ALU also accepts MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts), a program delivering up to $4,000 over two fiscal years to military spouses in degree programs.

Tuition Assistance is not a loan that will need to be repaid after graduation.

Each of the military branches has its own application and procedure for Tuition Assistance. Therefore, prior to enrolling at ALU, military students requesting TA must visit their respective Military Service’s education portal to ensure eligibility for TA benefits. Approval from the student’s Educational Services Officer or military branch counselor is required prior enrollment in the first course.

For a detailed step-by-step process of applying for TA, select the appropriate military branch from the Military FAQ section below.

To learn more about Military Tuition Assistance as well as other military college benefits, contact Financial Aid at (213) 252-5100 x205 or

Veterans Education Benefits and G.I. Bill® CSAAVE-Approved

Abraham Lincoln University is approved through the California State Approving Agency for Veterans Education (CSAAVE) to train veterans and eligible persons in the diploma and degree programs listed in the law school or university catalogs.

Student eligibility for veterans college benefits through the G.I. Bill® is determined solely by the Department of Veterans Affairs. For more G.I. Bill® information and to learn more about eligibility for G.I. Bill® education benefits as a veteran or service member, call (888) 442-4551 or visit the Veterans Benefits Administration Education and Training webpage.

To be compliant with the standards issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), a student utilizing G.I. Bill® military financial benefits must have the following enrollment status:

UNDERGRADUATE: 8-WEEK COURSES12 semester hoursFull-time
 6 semester hoursHalf-time
GRADUATE: 8-WEEK COURSES6 semester hoursFull-time
 3 semester hoursHalf-time

Veterans are advised to consult with the VA to determine their part-time or full-time enrollment status in an academic program.

Designated Points of Contact for Military

Abraham Lincoln University provides assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel, dependents and survivors seeking military veterans benefits through the Veterans Administration through the following departments at ALU:

Student Services, Academic advising; scheduling
Financial Aid, Financial advising related to TA, VA education benefits, and federal financial aid

The Veteran Affairs Certifying Official can be contacted by emailing

Membership & Affiliation

DoD Armed Forces Tuition Assistance (TA)
ALU is a qualified school for the Department of Defense’s Armed Forces Tuition Assistance (TA). Armed Forces TA is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard, which may pay up to 100% of tuition.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Abraham Lincoln University (ALU) is approved through the California State Approving Agency for Veterans Education (CSAAVE) to train eligible veterans and to certify students for payment of VA Educational Assistance (G.I. Bill®) through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as an institution of higher learning (IHL).

ALU’s diploma and degree programs are listed by GoArmyEd, the virtual gateway from the Army Continuing Education System (ACES). GoArmyEd is used by soldiers to pursue postsecondary educational goals, Army Education Counselors to provide educational guidance, and schools to deliver degree and course offerings as well as soldier progress.

Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA)
ALU meets Department of Defense (DoD) eligibility requirements for participating in MyCAA. The MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts) program provides up to $4,000 over two years of financial assistance for military spouses who are pursuing degree programs, licenses, or credentials leading to employment in portable career fields.

Military Friendly® Bronze School
ALU has been named as a 2022-2023 Military Friendly® Bronze School. This designation represents only the post-secondary educational institutions that best support the common goals of veterans and service members. Criteria for this designation involve meeting or exceeding a standard level of commitment to providing programs, initiatives, and policies relevant to military veterans and service members and their common challenges and obligations. The selection process takes into account the school’s accreditation, graduation rates, student-to-faculty ratio, admissions requirements, academic support, flexible programs, and more.

Western Association of Veteran Education Specialists (WAVES)
ALU is an institutional member. WAVES is an association that serves the needs and interests of veterans, faculties and administrators in member institutions, which consist of educational institutions of higher learning and those offering non-college degree programs engaged in the administration of veterans education benefits within the geographic areas served by the Muskogee Regional Processing Office.

Military FAQ's

A: Find out about basic requirements for the different available GI Bill® chapters on the VA’s benefits comparison chart.

  • Explore the VA’s GI Bill® website.
  • Get your questions answered in writing through the VA’s Customer Help page.
  • To speak with a representative, call the VA hotline at 888-442-4551 (888-GIBILL-1).

A: Find out how to apply for VA education benefits. Visit the Department of Veteran Affairs for additional information on how to apply, including an online application form with clear step-by-step instructions.

A: Please click on the links below for more in-depth G.I. Bill® info on each program from the VA’s website.

Many Armed Forces veterans seeking military college benefits will fall under the jurisdiction of the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®, which came into effect on August 1, 2009. The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® provides military financial benefits and housing financial support to individuals with at least 90 days of service on or after September 11, 2001. An honorable discharge is required to take advantage of these military veteran correspondence courses, military veteran online education programs, and other veterans college benefits.

The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® will pay for full tuition and fees directly to the school for all public, in-state institutions for military veteran college courses. Those attending private or foreign schools for military veteran college enrollment have a tuition cap of $17,500 per year. The costs at Abraham Lincoln University fall well below this number. In addition, there is an annual books and supplies stipend of $1,000 based on enrollment. Some veterans may transfer their Post-9/11 benefits to dependents (spouses or children) for military veteran college education.

A: Active duty soldiers request TA and enroll in courses online through GoArmyEd. Here is the step-by-step procedure:

  1.  Request TA through GoArmyEd.
  2.  TA is requested course-by-course.
  3.  GoArmyEd notifies soldiers whether or not TA has been approved.
  4.  All drops/withdrawals take place through GoArmyEd. Failing grades mean TA must be repaid.
  5.  Soldiers submit a new signed TA statement of understanding each year.
  6. TA only pays $4,500 per fiscal year so you can only take one class at a time.

A:  Air Force airmen must apply for Air Force veterans college benefits through the Air Force itself, not with Abraham Lincoln University. The Air Force Portal allows airmen to apply for Air Force TA in six steps:

  1.  Select Reason for Request.
  2.  Select the School Name.
  3.  Enter Term Dates.
  4.  Enter Course Information.
  5.  Enter Registration Fees.
  6.  Verify TA Information and Submit Request.

A: Here is the application process for Navy Tuition Assistance:

  1. Contact the Navy College Office to determine courses for TA funding.
  2. Complete application form NETPDTC 1560.
  3. Return to Navy College Office for processing.

A: Here is the application process for obtaining Marines education assistance via the Marines Corps Tuition Assistance:

  1.  Students complete a TA Orientation Class prior to using TA (if a marine has used TA before, this is not required).
  2.  Marines apply for and receive written TA authorization prior to enrollment, using this form: NETPDTC 1560.
  3.  Abraham Lincoln University will bill the NETPDTC for payment once accepted directly. The military advisors on our Admissions team will provide you with the proper course information and degree plan to enable you to apply for Tuition Assistance program with the Marine Corps.

A: Guardsmen apply for Tuition Assistance and other forms of Coast Guard education benefits through the USCG Institute through the processing system run by The U.S. Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC) in Pensacola, FL. The institute approves the TA Application (CG-4147), which is then given to the institution (ALU) during registration. ALU will then bill the NETPDTC for the government’s share of the tuition.

The military advisors on our Admissions team will provide you with the proper course information and degree plan to enable you to apply for Tuition Assistance with the Coast Guard.

A: Yes, the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) is available and there are three aspects to this program:

  1. Training and Education Financial Assistance: The program provides a maximum education benefit of $4,000 with an annual fiscal year cap of $2,000 to assist military spouses in acquiring professional credentials, ranging from licenses and certificates to associate degrees.
  2. Employment Readiness Counseling: Counseling services help military spouses identify additional sources of federal, state and local financial assistance, expanded career choices and opportunities, and necessary support resources ranging from child care and transportation to books, computers, equipment and other supplies.
  3. Employment Assistance and Career Services: Referrals are made to military-friendly employers for MyCAA spouse participants who have completed their programs of study using MyCAA college funding and are ready to seek gainful employment.

The education benefits of funds and counseling are there for military spouses to use, but many spouses fail to take advantage of any of the aspects of the program. Even if spouses are eligible for other sources of financial aid, MyCAA can be used (with the costs applied to tuition only).

To take advantage of MyCAA access and all of the military college benefits that come with it, military spouses should obtain an Education & Training Plan (E&TP) from the career counselor at the base or facility where stationed. The counselor will help the individual figure out which career option is right for them, as well as the best path to take in pursuit of those particular career options and provide information about any schools nearby that would be conducive to the accomplishment of their goals (including offering online distance learning options), as well as to develop and approve the E&TP.

From there, spouses must request MyCAA schools funding for their courses/program by submitting a MyCAA Financial Assistance (FA) request online. This should be done at least fifteen days before the start of the program as the forms may take up to fourteen days to process.

Before beginning studies, it is important to verify FA document information, which will prevent invoicing errors and make sure that spouses receive the funds they need for course and program payment.

Military spouses interested in MyCAA will do most of their funding requests and account management at the AI Portal online.

For specific information about GI Bill® eligibility for military veteran correspondence courses, veterans are advised to contact their VA representative or visit the VA’s GI Bill® website. To learn more about the program at Abraham Lincoln University and how to use VA Educational Assistance Benefits, call Admissions at (213) 252-5100 or email

“G.I. Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

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Explore how ALU’s online distance education courses can work for you. As one of the top distance education universities in California for non-traditional students, our Admissions team has the information you need to help you with your application and succeed with our school. Additional information is available for those who seek transfer credit or want to study at ALU as an international student.

If you prefer to speak to our Admissions Team directly, give us a call at 213-252-5100.

Business Hours

In person/on site: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PT
Monday and Wednesday, by appointment only

Online: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT
Monday to Friday

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