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Take the Free QuizPayment Options for Graduate and Undergraduate Degree Programs
Qualified students may be eligible for scholarships, private loans, military tuition assistance, veteran’s education benefits, employer tuition reimbursement, and other third-party resources. While Abraham Lincoln University is already one of the most affordable colleges in California, there may also be outside scholarship opportunities available. Contact our Admissions team at 213-252-5100 to learn more about your options and assistance with your scholarship search.
Students who obtain private and federal student loans are responsible to repay the full amount of the loan in addition to interest accrued, less the amount of any refund from ALU. Financial aid is available to those who qualify; view our Financial Aid page, and contact our Financial Aid Office at 213-252-5100 x205 for information regarding eligibility.
Level of Degree | Undergraduate degree and Certificates | Graduate degree and Master’s Certificates |
Per Term | $2490 | $1980 |
Academic Technology Library & Resource Fee ($60 per course) | $120 | $60 |
Payment Plan Minimum | $1305 | $1020 |
For those students paying out of pocket, the university provides a zero-interest, monthly payment plan option to those who qualify – a courtesy most colleges with low tuition are unable to offer. The Financial Aid Administrator will work with each student to discuss payment plan options. The student’s balance will be broken up into monthly payments while the student is enrolled at ALU. If a student wishes to request a monthly payment plan extended beyond their graduation date, they must submit a request to the Financial Aid Administrator for approval. Students will need to pay the $200 registration fee upon signing the enrollment agreement.
Any monthly payment more than 7 days late will put a student’s account in financial delinquency. A late monthly payment fee of $25 will be automatically charged after the 7th day of any month where there is an outstanding balance. Students have a grace period of 7 days at the beginning of each month before the late monthly payment fee is charged. Any monthly installment more than 30 days late will result in suspension of academic access. A student’s account that is more than 60 days late may result in dismissal from the university.
Tuition and fees must be paid-in-full. Diplomas will not be issued, and other university privileges may be suspended until all financial obligations are met by the student. Enrollment in the payment plan does not eliminate students’ responsibility to ensure tuition is paid by the due date. Students who have not paid their balance in full by the end of the payment plan agreement will not receive a diploma. If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will be responsible for repaying the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund. If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the amount of the financial aid fund is excess of direct costs (tuition and fees) payable to the University.
The university’s Cancellation, Withdrawal and Refund Policy complies with prescribed standards established by DEAC and BPPE.
ALU’s refund policy, as stated below, is in compliance with California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) state requirements. For students who reside in California where ALU is authorized to operate, or in a state where ALU has received an exemption, ALU will follow the refund policy stated below. If there is a conflict between ALU’s policy and another state agency’s refund policy, ALU will follow the policy that is more beneficial to the student.
An unofficial cancellation or withdrawal refers to a student who fails to submit an academic related activity (ARA) for more than twenty-one (21) consecutive days without officially canceling or withdrawing from ALU. The cancellation or withdrawal date for those students who do not officially cancel or withdraw will be recorded as the date ALU notifies the student of their cancellation or withdrawal. The date of determination (DOD) is no later than fourteen (14) days from the student’s LDA. The student will receive a full refund for paid courses that were not started at the time of cancellation or withdrawal. If tuition is paid by a private third-party payer and a refund is due, the refund will be issued directly to the student. If the student received federal student financial aid funds, a return to title IV (R2T4) will be completed to determine if funds need to be returned to the government.
An undergraduate student enrolls in their first academic year (32-weeks)
taking 6 semester credit units per 8-week session (56 days) and withdraws with a last day of attendance (LDA) of the 25th day. The student attended 45% (25 days attended / 56 total # of days per session) of the course(s). Due to withdrawing after the 7-day cancellation period and attending 45% of the course(s), the student is charged: the one-time per program non-refundable Registration Fee ($200), a refundable Academic, Technology and Library Resources Fee ($60/course), a one-time per program non-refundable Student Tuition Recovery Fund fee ($.0025 x tuition charge rounded to nearest $1000 – CA residents only), and tuition for the courses, minus the total amount per diem.
Tuition and Fee Charges: | |
Tuition (24 units @ $415/unit) | $9960.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resources Fee (refundable through add/drop period; $60/course) | $480.00 |
Student Tuition Recovery Fund Fee ($.0025 x tuition charge rounded to nearest $1000 – non-refundable, CA residents only) | $132.50 |
Total Charges for the Academic Year | $10,772.50 |
Upon withdrawal with LDA on the 25th day of the first session, the student will be charged: | |
Tuition (6 units @ $415/unit) | $2490.00 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resource Fee (refundable through add/drop period; $60/course) | $120.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Student Tuition Recovery Fund Fee ($.0025 x tuition charge rounded to nearest $1000 – non-refundable, CA residents only) | $132.50 |
Total Charges for session | $2942.50 |
$2,942.50 (total charges/56 (total# of days) = $52.54 per diem | |
Minus per diem (25 (# day of attendance) * $52.54 (charge per day)) | $1313.50 |
Abraham Lincoln University does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy; it is not operating as a debtor in possession; it has not filed a petition within the preceding five years; nor has it had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States. Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. §§ 1101 et seq.).
For students that are currently on the Payment Plan there will be no change in their existing plan other than the situations where the student wants to take more than two courses at the same time in which case the revised payment plan shall apply to the third course. However, if current students leave and have to be re-admitted to the University, they will be subject to the revised payment plan explained below. Students on a current payment plan that request more than two courses (undergraduate) or more than one course (graduate) will be required to pay the tuition of the additional course under the new payment plan.
Tuition Payment schedule
2L and 3L/$11,675:
The University’s administration determines actions to be taken when students fail to meet obligations to the University. Students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible adults and should at minimum be in communication with ALU staff when there is any substantial delay in fulfilling obligations.
The University’s administration determines actions based on the severity of failure to meet obligations and taking prior records into account. Candidates for graduation will receive a diploma or certificate when all school obligations have been paid in full. Students with past due accounts may not be certified to sit for State Bar of California examinations due to Graduation Requirements.
While every effort is made to maintain student costs at a reasonable level, the University reserves the right to modify tuition and fee rates, tuition policies and schedules.
For students who reside in California where ALU is authorized to operate, or in a state where ALU has received an exemption, ALU will follow the refund policy stated below. If there is a conflict between ALU’s policy and another state agency’s refund policy, ALU will follow the policy that is more beneficial to the student.
Length of Course | Refundable Tuition Due After: | |
1-6 weeks | Week 1 | 70% |
Week 2 | 40% | |
Week 3 | 20% | |
Week 4 | 0% | |
7-10 weeks | Week 1 | 80% |
Week 2 | 60% | |
Week 3 | 40% | |
Week 4 | 20% | |
Week 5 | 0% | |
11-16 weeks | Week 1 | 80% |
Week 2 | 70% | |
Week 3 | 60% | |
Week 4 | 50% | |
Week 5 | 40% | |
Week 6 | 30% | |
Week 7 | 20% | |
Week 8 | 10% | |
Week 9 | 0% |
Tuition and Fee Charges: | |
Tuition and Fee Charges for the Academic Year: | |
Tuition (35 units @ $288.57/unit) | $10,100.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resources Fee ($60 per course; refundable prior to the end of the first week of class) | $300.00 |
Total | $10,600.00 |
Upon withdrawal after the 4th week of the first course, the student will be charged: | |
Tuition (10 qtr. units x $288.57 = $2885.70 x 50%) | $1442.86 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resource Fee | $60.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Total charges | $1702.86 |
Refund calculation – refunded to student/federal financial aid programs: | |
Tuition ($2885.70 x 50%) | $1442.86 |
Refund to student/financial aid programs | $1442.86 |
Abraham Lincoln University does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy; it is not operating as a debtor in possession; it has not filed a petition within the preceding five years; nor has it had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States. Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. §§ 1101 et seq.).
For students that are currently on the Payment Plan there will be no change in their existing plan other than the situations where the student wants to take more than two courses at the same time in which case the revised payment plan shall apply to the third course. However, if current students leave and have to be re-admitted to the University, they will be subject to the revised payment plan explained below. Students on a current payment plan that request more than two courses (undergraduate) or more than one course (graduate) will be required to pay the tuition of the additional course under the new payment plan.A student may cancel an Enrollment Agreement or withdraw from the University at any time. A student who intends to cancel or withdraw must notify the University in writing following the directions outlined in the Official and Unofficial Cancellation / Withdrawal policies. Any money due to the student will be refunded within 30 days. The student has a right to a full (100%) refund of all monies paid if cancellation is within seven (7) calendar days after midnight of the date the Enrollment Agreement was signed.
A student who withdraws later than seven (7) days after midnight on the day on which the enrollment agreement is signed will be subject to a one-time per program non-refundable Registration fee of $200, as well as prorated amounts of refundable fees, as appropriate. A student may withdraw from a course or program by providing a written notice to the Registrar via email,, or by completing the withdrawal request form in eLearn.
Notwithstanding non-refundable portion of tuition and fees, a refund of the remaining tuition will be based on the following table:
Length of Course | Refundable Tuition Due After: | |
1-6 weeks | Week 1 | 70% |
Week 2 | 40% | |
Week 3 | 20% | |
Week 4 | 0% | |
7-10 weeks | Week 1 | 80% |
Week 2 | 60% | |
Week 3 | 40% | |
Week 4 | 20% | |
Week 5 | 0% | |
11-16 weeks | Week 1 | 80% |
Week 2 | 70% | |
Week 3 | 60% | |
Week 4 | 50% | |
Week 5 | 40% | |
Week 6 | 30% | |
Week 7 | 20% | |
Week 8 | 10% | |
Week 9 | 0% |
The student will receive a full refund for paid courses that were not started at the time of withdrawal. If tuition is paid by a private third-party payer and a refund is due, the refund will be issued directly to the student. If the student received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from federal student financial program funds. If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund.
A student may cancel or withdraw from a course or program by providing a written notice to the Registrar via email,, or by completing the withdrawal form in eLearn. If a student verbally or via email conveys the cancellation by contacting ALU staff or faculty, ALU staff will take the date of the verbal/email notification of the student, advise the student to complete the withdrawal form, and initiate the process. The cancellation or withdrawal date for those students who do not officially cancel or withdraw will be recorded as the date ALU notifies the student of their cancellation or withdrawal. The date of determination (DOD) is no later than fourteen (14) days from the student’s LDA.
An unofficial cancellation or withdrawal refers to a student who fails to submit an academic related activity (ARA) for more than twenty-one (21) consecutive days without officially canceling or withdrawing from ALU. The cancellation or withdrawal date for those students who do not officially cancel or withdraw will be recorded as the date ALU notifies the student of their cancellation or withdrawal. The date of determination (DOD) is no later than fourteen (14) days from the student’s LDA. The student will receive a full refund for paid courses that were not started at the time of cancellation or withdrawal. If tuition is paid by a private third-party payer and a refund is due, the refund will be issued directly to the student. If the student received federal student financial aid funds, a return to title IV (R2T4) will be completed to determine if funds need to be returned to the government.
A JD student is enrolled in his or her first course of the Academic Year for 10 quarter units (14 weeks) and withdraws after the 4th week of class. Refundable fees will be prorated as a portion of the standard 52-week academic year, as follows:
Tuition and Fee Charges: | |
Tuition and Fee Charges for the Academic Year: | |
Tuition (35 units @ $325.00/unit) | $11,375.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resources Fee ($60 per course; refundable prior to the end of the first week of class) | $300.00 |
Total | $11,875.00 |
Upon withdrawal after the 4th week of the first course, the student will be charged: | |
Tuition (10 qtr. units x $325.00 = $3250.00 x 50%) | $1625.00 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resource Fee | $60.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Total charges | $1885.00 |
Refund calculation – refunded to student/federal financial aid programs: | |
Tuition ($3250.00 x 50%) | $1625.00 |
Refund to student/financial aid programs | $1625.00 |
Abraham Lincoln University does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy; it is not operating as a debtor in possession; it has not filed a petition within the preceding five years; nor has it had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States. Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. §§ 1101 et seq.).
For students that are currently on the Payment Plan there will be no change in their existing plan other than the situations where the student wants to take more than two courses at the same time in which case the revised payment plan shall apply to the third course. However, if current students leave and have to be re-admitted to the University, they will be subject to the revised payment plan explained below. Students on a current payment plan that request more than two courses (undergraduate) or more than one course (graduate) will be required to pay the tuition of the additional course under the new payment plan.Length of Course | Refundable Tuition Due After: | |
1-6 weeks | Week 1 | 70% |
Week 2 | 40% | |
Week 3 | 20% | |
Week 4 | 0% | |
7-10 weeks | Week 1 | 80% |
Week 2 | 60% | |
Week 3 | 40% | |
Week 4 | 20% | |
Week 5 | 0% | |
11-16 weeks | Week 1 | 80% |
Week 2 | 70% | |
Week 3 | 60% | |
Week 4 | 50% | |
Week 5 | 40% | |
Week 6 | 30% | |
Week 7 | 20% | |
Week 8 | 10% | |
Week 9 | 0% |
Tuition and Fee Charges: | |
Tuition and Fee Charges for the Academic Year: | |
Tuition (35 units @ $288.57/unit) | $10,100.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resources Fee ($60 per course; refundable prior to the end of the first week of class) | $300.00 |
Total | $10,600.00 |
Upon withdrawal after the 4th week of the first course, the student will be charged: | |
Tuition (10 qtr. units x $288.57 = $2885.70 x 50%) | $1442.86 |
Academic, Technology, and Library Resource Fee | $60.00 |
Registration Fee (non-refundable) | $200.00 |
Total charges | $1702.86 |
Refund calculation – refunded to student/federal financial aid programs: | |
Tuition ($2885.70 x 50%) | $1442.86 |
Refund to student/financial aid programs | $1442.86 |
Abraham Lincoln University does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy; it is not operating as a debtor in possession; it has not filed a petition within the preceding five years; nor has it had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States. Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. §§ 1101 et seq.).
For students that are currently on the Payment Plan there will be no change in their existing plan other than the situations where the student wants to take more than two courses at the same time in which case the revised payment plan shall apply to the third course. However, if current students leave and have to be re-admitted to the University, they will be subject to the revised payment plan explained below. Students on a current payment plan that request more than two courses (undergraduate) or more than one course (graduate) will be required to pay the tuition of the additional course under the new payment plan.Cookie | Duration | Description |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisement | 1 year | The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics | 11 months | This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional | 11 months | The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary | 11 months | This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-others | 11 months | This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance | 11 months | This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". |
elementor | never | This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. It allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in real-time. |
PHPSESSID | This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie is used to store and identify a users' unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. | |
viewed_cookie_policy | 11 months | The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
__lc_cid | 2 years | This is an essential cookie for the website live chat box to function properly. |
__lc_cst | 2 years | This cookie is used for the website live chat box to function properly. |
__lc2_cid | 2 years | This cookie is used to enable the website live chat-box function. It is used to reconnect the customer with the last agent with whom the customer had chatted. |
__lc2_cst | 2 years | This cookie is necessary to enable the website live chat-box function. It is used to distinguish different users using live chat at different times that is to reconnect the last agent with whom the customer had chatted. |
__oauth_redirect_detector | This cookie is used to recognize the visitors using live chat at different times inorder to optimize the chat-box functionality. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
_ga | 2 years | This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. |
_gat_UA-505115-1 | 1 minute | This is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. |
_gcl_au | 3 months | This cookie is used by Google Analytics to understand user interaction with the website. |
_gid | 1 day | This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
IDE | 1 year 24 days | Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. |
test_cookie | 15 minutes | This cookie is set by The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the user's browser supports cookies. |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | 5 months 27 days | This cookie is set by Youtube. Used to track the information of the embedded YouTube videos on a website. |
YSC | session | This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
CONSENT | 16 years 6 months 14 days 2 hours | No description |
RLTOK | 1 hour | No description |
RUL | 1 year | No description |
SERVERUSED | session | No description available. |
yt-remote-connected-devices | never | No description available. |
yt-remote-device-id | never | No description available. |
Explore how ALU’s online distance education courses can work for you. As one of the top distance education universities in California for non-traditional students, our Admissions team has the information you need to help you with your application and succeed with our school. Additional information is available for those who seek transfer credit or want to study at ALU as an international student.
Business Hours
In person/on site: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PT
Monday and Wednesday, by appointment only
Online: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT
Monday to Friday
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