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Master of

Business Administration

Program Description

Master of Business Administration

The Master of Business Administration degree prepares students for management positions in public, private, and non-profit organizations. Students will acquire the critical knowledge and skills needed to integrate management, marketing, accounting, and finance concepts to develop strategies to improve short and long-term organizational performance.


Upon completion of the program, students should be able to meet the following objectives, based on successful completion of the corresponding course

  • Demonstrate effective communication skills necessary to successfully analyze and present business reports to a diverse workforce.
  • Apply critical reasoning to establish professional conclusions using appropriate techniques and models in collecting and analyzing external and internal data.
  • Differentiate between the structures in global business organizations that support and are used to manage a socially and culturally diverse work force.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for integrity and ethical decision making by contrasting the roles, tasks, and decisions of business leaders and other professionals in business, industry, and non-profit organizations.
  • Analyze external and internal influences on business by integrating formal academic learning with personal business experience to make effective business decisions.
  • Utilize appropriate technologies to achieve organizational objectives by gathering information and developing an understanding of the key issues facing business to make effective decisions in a global business environment.

Program Plan for the Master of Business Administration Degree

Our Master’s degree programs consist of 8 core courses and 2 elective courses. Electives can be selected from eight pre-identified emphases: business law, coaching, cybersecurity law, finance, law enforcement management, legal studies, management, and project management, or two electives of the student’s choosing.

The core courses within the Business Administration program introduces students to key aspects of business operation including general office functions, accounting, marketing, and project management to give students practical skills required for the business world.

MGT 500Modern Management3
BUS 560Business Ethics3
MGT 525Marketing Research3
BUS 510Managerial Accounting3
MGT 514Human Relations Management3
BUS 540Managerial Economics3
MGT 590Advanced Organizational Behavior3
BUS 699Graduate Capstone3
Students can identify and complete TWO (2) courses from a specific emphasis or take any TWO (2) elective courses to complete degree requirements.
Business Administration
Project Management
MGT 645 Project Management Essentials
MGT 646 Project Management Organizational Framework
MGT 647 Project Management Integration Framework
COH 540 Project Management Coaching
BUS 550 Business Finance
BUS 551 Corporate Financial Management
BUS 552 Innovative Finance and Venture Capital
BUS 553 Corporate Global Finance
COH 510 Coaching in the Workplace
COH 515 Personal Coaching
COH 520 Coaching Teams
COH 525 Executive Coaching
COH 530 Group Theory & Skills
COH 535 Group Work Practice
COH 540 Project Management Coaching
MGT 504 Sales Management
MGT 570 Advanced Strategic Management
MGT 620 Implementing Organizational Change
MGT 530 Marketing Management
BUS 580 Strategies for Change
Legal Studies
Cybersecurity Law
CSL 500 Cybersecurity Laws & Data Protection
CSL 501 Cybersecurity & Incident Response
CSL 503 Cybercrime & Law
Legal Studies
LGS 525 Contemporary Business Law
LGS 532 Intellectual Property Law
LGS 540 Wills & Trusts
LGS 620 International Business Law
LGS 625 Employment Law
LGS 542 Elder Law
LGS 640 Immigration Law
Business Law
BUS 600 Contract Law Fundamentals
BUS 623 Communications Law
LGS 620 International Business Law
LGS 623 Communications Law
Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement Management
CJS 545 Drug Enforcement
CJS 560 Dynamics of Family Violence
CJS 515 Technology in Law Enforcement
CJS 575 Police Administration
CJS 580 Terrorism & Homeland Security
CJS 585 Corrections

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